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5 Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Auto Dealership

5 Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Auto Dealership

Posted by Administrator on Nov 12th 2018

Marketing To Promote Your Dealership

Every car dealership runs the gamut of normal and effective advertising items provided by an auto dealer supply company. Car mats, license plate frames, stickers, flyers, antenna balls, and mugs are just some of the items that can help you keep your name in the mind of your customers, but if you want more for your advertising budget, you might try these ideas.

Customer Rights Poster

Take your customers seriously and provide them with upfront information about what they should expect from your dealership experience. Bulleted or numbered, and framed at the doorway will help people feel better about your business.

Virtual Reality

If someone can’t come to the dealership, take the dealership to them. Hook your site up with a virtual reality tour, highlighting key deals, and send out a code for people to link to it on their phones or computer. Be sure to keep it updated.

Make It Worth the Drive

Do people really want to drive to your dealership for a car? It will depend on the deal they are getting and what they can see along the way. Get your far away customers to write reviews about the drive itself and then the car and you could see an increase of people coming from other towns. You can even write your own travel guide about what’s on the way and what’s around you that’s worth visiting or get a travel blogger to do it for you.

Cars Are for Cruising

Back in the day, everyone would cruise around the town in their gussy-upped vehicle. One car dealership has taken that a little more literally. During a special sales event, everyone who buys a car also gets a 5-day cruise!

Uber Drivers

People who hire an Uber driver might need a car. Offer your area Uber drivers a deal on a brand new car with your license plate frame, and they’ll probably talk about it with the people who are in their cars. It’s important not to forget the items from an auto dealer supply company like Park Place Printing that will help you continue to market, but be sure to shake things up, too.