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Basically Branding: Easy Ways to Advertise Your Auto-Business

Basically Branding: Easy Ways to Advertise Your Auto-Business

Posted by Administrator on Jun 12th 2019

Branding Your Business

The automotive sector is an active part of modern industry. It comprises everything from automobile manufacturers to vehicle dealerships and repair shops. The global auto industry generates immense amounts of revenue and any who are a part of it know it is just as competitive.

Advertising an Auto-Business

One of the things our company specializes in is helping those from the automotive industry advertise their businesses and generate revenue. If you’re thinking of ways to advertise your car dealership, workshop or automotive business, we’ve got some ideas you might like.

Uniformed Employees

An easy way to promote your business is by having your staff sport your colors. You can have customized company shirts made complete with your company logo, motto and anything else you may want.

Apart from giving your showroom, yard or workshop a clean, professional and uniform appearance, company shirts help with visual retention and are a great way to advertise.

Branded Giveaways

Apart from having your staff in uniform, another way to subtly advertise your automotive business while making your customers smile is by offering giveaways. Of course, the giveaways here will have details like your company logo, name and maybe even a contact number!

We manufacture customized items such as car coasters, stickers, steering wheel covers and more that can be made to your company specifications. This way, your clients as well as anyone who sits in their vehicles will know who you are and might remember you the next time they need such services! We also offer floor mats and a number of other items you can customize and equip the cars you sell or work on with.

Balloons, Streamers and Inflatables

Giant Gorilla Inflatable Holding Car

There is no denying how effective blatant marketing can be. This is probably the reason why conventional advertising never gets old. If you want people to know who you are from a distance and attract passing folks on the spot, nothing screams for attention like balloons, streamers and inflatables.

People are attracted to bold forms and colors and often approach the same just to get a better look. If you’ve got the right automotive business, this might be all you need!

Winding Down

There are a lot of other items we offer that could help you advertise your automotive business, attract customers and make it in the market. Call us on 732-592-6900 or email us now for more details. We’re at your service!