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Best Way to Attract Customers to Your Car Sale

Best Way to Attract Customers to Your Car Sale

Posted by Administrator on Jun 9th 2019

Three Ways To Attract Customers

When a dealer has a car sale, you’ll see a lot of gimmicky marketing ploys: giant inflatable animals on the rooftops, those squiggly, dancing guys that are run by huge fans, balloons attached to every vehicle, huge signs, and, if you’re lucky, you’ll even see a capable and amazing sign holder. While all of these have their places, they may not be the most effective long-term solutions. At Park Place Printing & Promotional Products, LLC, we know your business needs both long-term and short-term strategies. Here are some of the best.

Part of the Community

Being part of your local community means so much more than having a banner at the ball field. It means getting out to charity functions, organizing cleanup days, and figuring out how to best use your people in a way that makes the community better. When you do, you want to make sure that you tie the events to your business. T-shirts, banners, and baseball caps are just a few items that a service day might need to make your presence felt.

Get Social

Once you’ve gotten social in a physical way, you’ll want to get social in a virtual way. Social media websites allow you to target specific groups of people with your message. When you get an ad on one of the major sites, you can be sure that those people you want to see it—local individuals looking for a car—will. It’s one of the advantages of social media advertising.

Give It Away Now

Everyone loves getting something for free. When you give away the right used car dealer supplies, you are keeping your name out there and adding the benefit of buy-in. License plate frames are seen on the road and show where people got their car. Decals can be used in the same way. Calendars are good for year-round advertising. Find something that people want and that they’ll use, and you’ve got yourself a better chance to stay at the top of their minds.